-- [[file:~/thesis-proposal/thesis-proposal.org::*Missing%20Features][Missing Features:1]]
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open ≡-Reasoning

-- Z-notation for sums
open import Level
open import Data.Product using (Σ ; proj₁ ; proj₂ ; _×_ ; _,_)
Σ∶• : {a b : Level} (A : Set a) (B : A  Set b)  Set (a  b)
Σ∶• = Σ
infix -666 Σ∶•
syntax Σ∶• A  x  B) = Σ x  A  B
-- Missing Features:1 ends here

-- [[file:~/thesis-proposal/thesis-proposal.org::*Missing%20Features][Missing Features:2]]
-- One extreme: Completely bundled up
record Semigroup0 : Set₁ where
    Carrier : Set
    _⨾_     : Carrier  Carrier  Carrier
    assoc   :  x y z  (x  y)  z  x  (y  z)
-- Missing Features:2 ends here

-- [[file:~/thesis-proposal/thesis-proposal.org::*Missing%20Features][Missing Features:3]]
-- ‘Typeclass’ on a given Carrier
-- Alternatively: Carrier is known as runtime.
record Semigroup1 (Carrier : Set): Set₁ where
    _⨾_   : Carrier  Carrier  Carrier
    assoc :  x y z  (x  y)  z  x  (y  z)
-- Missing Features:3 ends here

-- [[file:~/thesis-proposal/thesis-proposal.org::*Missing%20Features][Missing Features:4]]
-- Two items known at run time --c.f., “IsSemi” above.
record Semigroup2
 (Carrier : Set)
 (_⨾_     : Carrier  Carrier  Carrier) : Set where
    assoc :  x y z  (x  y)  z  x  (y  z)
-- Missing Features:4 ends here

-- [[file:~/thesis-proposal/thesis-proposal.org::*Missing%20Features][Missing Features:5]]
-- A value of “Semigroup3 C op pf” is trivially the empty record, if any,
-- provided ‘pf’ is a proof that ‘C’ forms a semigroup with ‘op’.
-- This type is usualy written “Σ C ∶ Set • Σ _⨾_ ∶ C → C → C • Σ assoc ∶ ⋯”.
record Semigroup3
 (Carrier : Set)
 (_⨾_ : Carrier  Carrier  Carrier)
 (assoc :  x y z  (x  y)  z  x  (y  z)) : Set where
  -- no fields
-- Missing Features:5 ends here

-- [[file:~/thesis-proposal/thesis-proposal.org::*Missing%20Features][Missing Features:6]]
Surjection : ∀{A B : Set}  (A  B)  Set
Surjection {A} {B} f =  (b : B)  Σ a  A  b  f a
-- (Σ a ∶ A • P a) ≈ { (a, proof) ❙ a ∈ A ∧ pf is a proof of P(a) }

Injection : ∀{A B : Set}  (A  B)  Set
Injection {A} {B} f =  {x y}   f x  f y  x  y
-- Missing Features:6 ends here

-- [[file:~/thesis-proposal/thesis-proposal.org::*Missing%20Features][Missing Features:7]]
translate1 : ∀{A B}  (f : A  B)  Surjection f  Injection f
	    Semigroup1 A  Semigroup1 B
translate1 f surj inj AS =
    open Semigroup1 AS

    -- x ⨾′ y is obtained by applying f to the ⨾-composition of the pre-images of x and y.
    infix 5 _⨾′_
    _⨾′_ = λ x y  let a0 = proj₁ (surj x); a1 = proj₁ (surj y) in f (a0  a1)

    -- f distributes over ⨾ turning it into ⨾′.
    factor :  {a a′}  f a ⨾′ f a′  f (a  a′)
    factor {a} {a′} =
	       let 𝒶  , m  = surj (f a)
		   𝒶′ , w  = surj (f a′)
		 f a ⨾′ f a′
	       ≡⟨ refl 
		 f (𝒶  𝒶′)
	       ≡⟨ cong f (cong₂ _⨾_ (inj (sym m)) (inj (sym w)))  
		 f (a  a′)

    distribute :  {a a′}  f (a  a′)  f a ⨾′ f a′
    distribute {a} {a′} = sym (factor {a} {a′})

  in -- Bundle up ⨾′ along with a proof of associtivity 
    record { _⨾_ = _⨾′_; assoc = λ x y z 
	-- Obtain f-pre-images
	a₀ , x≈fa₀  =  surj x
	a₁ , y≈fa₁  =  surj y
	a₂ , z≈fa₂  =  surj z
      {- Tersely, we rewrite along the pre-images,
	 factor f, perform the associativity of ⨾,
	 then distribute f and rewrite along the pre-images.
	 (x ⨾′ y) ⨾′ z
       ≡⟨ cong₂ _⨾′_ (cong₂ _⨾′_ x≈fa₀ y≈fa₁) z≈fa₂ 
	 (f a₀ ⨾′ f a₁) ⨾′ f a₂
       ≡⟨ cong (_⨾′ f a₂) factor 
	 f (a₀  a₁) ⨾′ f a₂
       ≡⟨ factor 
	 f ((a₀  a₁)  a₂)
       ≡⟨ cong f (assoc _ _ _)  
	 f (a₀  (a₁  a₂))
       ≡⟨ distribute 
	 f a₀ ⨾′ f (a₁  a₂)
       ≡⟨ cong (f a₀ ⨾′_) distribute 
	 f a₀ ⨾′ (f a₁ ⨾′ f a₂)
       ≡⟨ sym (cong₂ _⨾′_ x≈fa₀ (cong₂ _⨾′_ y≈fa₁ z≈fa₂))  
	 x ⨾′ (y ⨾′ z)
-- Missing Features:7 ends here

-- [[file:~/thesis-proposal/thesis-proposal.org::*Missing%20Features][Missing Features:8]]
translate0 : ∀{B : Set} (AS : Semigroup0) (f : Semigroup0.Carrier AS  B)
	    Surjection f  Injection f
translate0 {B} AS f surj inj = record { Carrier = B ; _⨾_ = _⨾_ ; assoc = assoc }

       -- Repackage ‘AS’ from a ‘Semigroup0’ to a ‘Semigroup1’
       -- only to immediatley unpack it, so that its contents
       -- are available to be repacked above as a ‘Semigroup0’.

       pack : Semigroup1 (Semigroup0.Carrier AS)
       pack = let open Semigroup0 AS
	       in record {_⨾_ = _⨾_; assoc = assoc }

       open Semigroup1 (translate1 f surj inj pack)
-- Missing Features:8 ends here