The Next 700 Module Systems

Musa Al-hassy


  • Introduction —The Proposal's Story
    1. A Programming Language Has Many Tongues
    2. Exploring Grouping Mechanisms
    3. Problem Statement
  • Solution Requirements
    1. Desirable Features
    2. Related Works
    3. Visualisation of Parts of the Proposed “Package Polymorphism”
  • Approach
  • Timeline
  • Conclusion

A Programming Language Has Many Tongues

  1. Expression
  2. Statement
  3. Type
  4. Specification
  5. Proof
  6. Module
  7. Meta-programming

The first five collapse into one uniform language within the dependently-typed language Agda.

So why not the module language?

What is a Module?

Definition: A typed module, context, telescope, package former, record, typeclass is a sequence of tuples:

   Name  :  Type  :=  Optional_Definition

Without types, we obtain essentially JSON Objects.

Purpose: Group related concepts together as single semantic units.

Expectations of Module Systems

New unique local scopes ⇒ de-coupling
Information Hiding
Inaccessibility ⇒ Implementation independence
Grouping mechanisms should be treated like ordinary values
Grouping mechanisms should group all kinds of things without prejudice
Generative modules & Subtyping

What about ⋯

≈? modules
≈? theories
≈? contexts
≈? typeclasses
≈? dependent records

Differences ≈?⇒ Uses & Implementations

Facets of Structuring Mechanisms: An Agda Rendition

Different ways one would encode monoid definitions in their code for different purposes

Monoids with a dynamically known carrier
Monoids with a statically known carrier
Monoids as raw tuples
Monoids as telescopes
Derived operations

Monoids as Agda Records

record Monoid-Record : Setwhere
  infixl 5 __
    -- Interface
    Carrier  : Set
    Id       : Carrier
    __      : Carrier  Carrier  Carrier

    -- Constraints
    lid   : {x}  (Id  x)  x
    rid   : {x}  (x  Id)  x
    assoc :  x y z  (x  y)  z    x  (y  z)

  -- derived result
  pop-Idᵣ :  x y    x  Id  y    x  y
  pop-Idᵣ x y = cong (_ y) rid

⇨ Carrier sets, functions, and axioms all are record fields.

Monoids as Typeclasses

record HasMonoid (Carrier : Set) : Setwhere
  infixl 5 __
    Id    : Carrier
    __   : Carrier  Carrier  Carrier
    lid   : {x}  (Id  x)  x
    rid   : {x}  (x  Id)  x
    assoc :  x y z  (x  y)  z  x  (y  z)

  pop-Id-tc :  x y   x  Id  y    x  y
  pop-Id-tc x y = cong (_ y) rid

{- We make this record type available
   to instance search, “typeclass”. -}
open HasMonoid {{...}} using (pop-Id-tc)

⇨ Only functions and axioms are record fields —the carrier set is a parameter.

These are the ‘Same’

⇨ Monoids as Agda Records

record Monoid-Record : Setwhere
    -- Interface
    Carrier  : Set
    Id       : Carrier
    __      : Carrier  Carrier  Carrier

    -- Constraints
    lid   : {x}  (Id  x)  x
    rid   : {x}  (x  Id)  x
    assoc :  x y z  (x  y)  z    x  (y  z)

  -- derived result
  pop-Idᵣ :  x y    x  Id  y    x  y
  pop-Idᵣ x y = cong (_ y) rid

{-  Monoid-Record  ≅  Σ C ∶ Set • HasMonoid C  -}

⇨ Monoids as Typeclasses

record HasMonoid (Carrier : Set) : Setwhere
    -- Interface
    {- Notice that “Carrier” is a parameter. -}
    Id    : Carrier
    __   : Carrier  Carrier  Carrier

    -- Constraints
    lid   : {x}  (Id  x)  x
    rid   : {x}  (x  Id)  x
    assoc :  x y z  (x  y)  z  x  (y  z)

  -- derived result
  pop-Id-tc :  x y   x  Id  y    x  y
  pop-Id-tc x y = cong (_ y) rid

{-  HasMonoid  ≅  λ C → Σ M ∶ Monoid-Record • M.Carrier ≡ C  -}

Monoids as Direct Dependent Sums

Monoid-Σ  :  SetMonoid-Σ  =    Σ Carrier  Set
	      Σ Id  Carrier
	      Σ __  (Carrier  Carrier  Carrier)
	      Σ lid  ({x}  Id  x  x)
	      Σ rid  ({x}  x  Id  x)
	      ( x y z  (x  y)  z  x  (y  z))

pop-Id-Σ : {{M : Monoid-Σ}}
		       (let Id  = proj₁ (proj₂ M))
		       (let __ = proj₁ (proj₂ (proj₂ M)))
		      (x y : proj₁ M)    (x  Id)  y    x  y
pop-Id-Σ {{M}} x y = cong (_ y) (rid {x})
		     where  __    = proj₁ (proj₂ (proj₂ M))
			    rid    = proj₁ (proj₂ (proj₂ (proj₂ (proj₂ M))))

⇨ The navigational feature of record fields is replaced by projections —i.e., it's just a different encoding.

                   {- Boilerplate -}
		   Carrier  : Monoid-Σ  Set
		   Carrier = proj₁

A Missing Polymorphism

-record : Monoid-Record
-record = record { Carrier = ; Id = 0; __ = _+_;  }

   -tc : HasMonoid 
   -tc = record { Id = 0; __ = _+_;  }

   -Σ : Monoid-Σ
   -Σ =  , 0 , _+_ , 

-pop-0ᵣ :  (x y : )  x + 0 + y    x + y
-pop-0ᵣ = pop-Idᵣ -record

-pop-0-tc :  (x y : )  x + 0 + y    x + y
-pop-0-tc = pop-Id-tc

-pop-0-Σ :  (x y : )  x + 0 + y    x + y
-pop-0-Σ = pop-Id-Σ

⇨ One would expect these pop-0 programs
to be instances of one polymorphic function.

⇨ Instead, we currently have three programs that are
instances of three different polymorphic functions.

Monoids as Telescopes

module Monoid-Telescope-User
     (Carrier : Set                      )
     (Id    : Carrier                    )
     (__   : Carrier  Carrier  Carrier )
     (lid   :  {x}      Id  x    x   )
     (rid   :  {x}      x  Id    x   )
     (assoc :  x y z    (x  y)  z    x  (y  z))

  pop-Id-tel : (x y : Carrier)    (x  Id)  y    x  y
  pop-Id-tel x y = cong (_ y) (rid {x})

open Monoid-Telescope-User  0 _+_ 

-pop-tel : (x y : )    x + 0 + y    x + y
-pop-tel =   pop-Id-tel

Carrier sets, functions, and axioms all are parameters.
This parameter listing constitutes a ‘telescope’.


Different notions are thus interdefinable
Use-cases distinguish packages
Distinctions ⇒ duplication of efforts

Generalise! Use a ‘package former’, rather than a particular variation.

Foundational Basis: MMT-Style Theory Presentations

-- Contexts
Γ  ::= ·                       -- empty context
     | x : T [:= T], Γ         -- context with declaration, optional definition
     | includes X, Γ           -- theory inclusion

-- Terms
T ::= x | TT| λ x : T'  T -- variables, application, lambdas
    | Π x : T'  T             -- dependent product
    | [Γ] | Γ | T.x          -- record “[type]” and “⟨element⟩” formers, projections
    | Mod X                    -- contravariant “theory to record” internalisation

-- Theory, external grouping, level
Θ ::= .                        -- empty theory
    | X := Γ, Θ                -- a theory can contain named contexts
    | (X : (X X)) := Γ     -- a theory can be a first-class theory morphism

A knowledge-capture mechanism ─not a programming environment.

Problem Summary

😧 :: Coders have to copy-paste-modify packaging structures to obtain different perspectives.

  • E.g., lifting fields to parameters to ensure correct-by-construction invariants.
  • Infrastructure is either rewritten for the new perspective, or conversion functions are used.

😄 :: A package should be written once.

  • Desired perspectives are declared on demand.
  • Code is written polymorphically along the package, not a particular perspective.

Desirable Features

Treat different notions of packaging the same way.
Polymorphism along packages types / package formers.
First-class Extensiblity
Primitives to form new package combinators using the host language.

We can then have better …

  • Expressivity ⇒ “Package Polymorphism”
  • Excerption ⇒ “flattening”

Expressivity ─Select Bundling Level

Which aspects of a structure should be exposed?

record Semigroup0 : Setwhere 

record Semigroup1 (Carrier : Set) : Setwhere 

record Semigroup2
 (Carrier : Set)
 (__     : Carrier  Carrier  Carrier) : Set where 

record Semigroup3
 (Carrier : Set)
 (__ : Carrier  Carrier  Carrier)
 (assoc :  x y z  (x  y)  z  x  (y  z)) : Set where
  -- no fields

Expressivity ─Code along one type, use for another

We want to code along Semigroup1 and use for Semigroup0.

{- Recall -}
record Semigroup0 : Setwhere 
record Semigroup1 (Carrier : Set) : Setwhere 

{- Write elegantly along Semigroup1 -}
translate1 : {A B}  (f : A  B)  Bijection f
	    Semigroup1 A  Semigroup1 B

{- Be able to use the previous for Semigroup0 -}
translate0 : {B : Set} (AS : Semigroup0)
	     (f : Semigroup0.Carrier AS  B)
	    Bijection f  Semigroup0

Excerption ─Instantiating Deeply Nested Theories

Can we please just declare a Monad without having to declare redundant Applicative and Functor instances.

{- (0) -} instance Monad M       where   -- (0) needs (1), which needs (2)
{- (1) -} instance Applicative M where   -- (1, 2) redundant if (0) is given
 {- (2) -} instance Functor M     where 

Excerption ─Instantiating Deeply Nested Theories

Accessing deeply nested fields; e.g., Monoid.Semigroup.Magma.Carrier M.

Example Hierarchy
⇒ flatten hierarchies!

Related Works

Records, JSON modules ─everything is explicit
Single instance typeclasses ─an ‘inference’ mechanism.
First-class modules are essentially glorified parameters; enforces a “functor vs. function” dichotomy
[Shields, Peyton Jones 2016]
First-Class Modules for Haskell
Slightly beyond OCaml, but not far enough.
Dependently-typed typeclasses ─solves diamond problem
Typeclasses with unification; canonical stuctures triggered by projections
Category Theory
Pullbacks! Declared coercions are found by inference then used in seemingly ill-typed expressions.

Competing works?

There are none!

Visualisation of Parts of the Proposed “Package Polymorphism”

Why can't this be done now?

Agda has a tremendously weak reflection mechanism
Package formers need to be introduced into the back-end
Unclear semantics of package formers
Unclear whether semantics don't break other language features

Proposed Contributions

  1. Module system for DTLs: Modules are ordinary values
    • Enables rather than inhibits efficiency
    • Well-defined denotational semantics
  2. Use-cases contrasting resulting system with previous approaches
  3. Replace metaprogramming processing with module primitives
  4. An implementation to obtain validation that our system ‘works’

Next Steps

  1. Distill the true requirements for a solution
  2. Deepen understanding of the opportunities given by DTL
  3. Demonstrate the power of the system
  4. Evaluate the mechanisms
    • Additions actually contribute to program design?
  5. Ensure a denotational semantics for the mechanisms
  6. Refine above until elegance, or deadline, is reached, whichever comes first


The First Pass: May-October 2019
Thorough familiarity with approaches, Agda internals, begun thesis writing
The Middle Pass: November 2019 - February 2020
Implement module formation primitives from the thesis proposal, while forming & extending semantics
The Final Pass: March - April 2020
Implementations meet requirements; mechanise proofs

Conclusion ─Intended Outcomes

Copy-paste-modify is almost always a mistake!

— Wolfram Kahl (•̀ᴗ•́)و

  1. A clean module system for DTLs
  2. Utility Objectives: A variety of use-cases contrasting the resulting system with previous approaches
  3. Demonstrate that module features usually requiring meta-programming can be brought to the data-value level

No more preprocessing for the end-user!

