#+title: A Brisk Introduction to Karate
#+author: Musa Al-hassy
#+email: alhassy@gmail.com
#+date: <2023-02-02 Thu>
#+filetags: karate
#+fileimage: https://www.usadojo.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Goju-Ryu-Karate-600x300.png 88% 88%
#+description: Discovering what be ka-ra-te

#+begin_src emacs-lisp :exports none
(org-deflink image
             "Provide a quick way to insert images along with credits via tooltips.

Example usage:


;;             (upcase (or o-description o-label))
  (-let [(image width height center? credit?) (s-split "|" o-label)]
    (-let [unsplash (cl-second (s-match ".*unsplash.com/photos/\\(.*\\)" image))]
      (let* ((href (if unsplash (concat "https://unsplash.com/photos/" unsplash) image))
            (title (format "Image credit “%s”" (or credit? (if unsplash (concat "https://unsplash.com/photos/" unsplash) image))))
            (src (if unsplash (format "https://source.unsplash.com/%s/%sx%s" unsplash width height) image))
            (it (format "<a href=\"%s\" class=\"tooltip\" title=\"%s\"><img src=\"%s\" alt=\"Article image\"
             width=\"%s\" height=\"%s\" align=\"top\"/></a>"
                        href title src width height)))
        (if center?
            (format "<center> %s </center>" it)

* Abstract                                                           :ignore:
:CUSTOM_ID: Abstract


What are the basic forms of Karate? What is Karate?

“The ultimate aim of karate lies not in victory or defeat but in the perfection
of the character of its participants … to subdue the enemy without fighting is
the highest skill, know your enemy and know yourself, in a hundred battles you
will not be defeated says Gichin Funakoshi ---known as The Father of Modern Karate.

Karate means “empty hand” and was developed on the island of Okinawa ---part of
modern-day Japan.  The major styles (“Ryu”) are Shotokan, Wado-ryu,
Shito-ryu, and Goju-ryu ---many other styles of Karate are derived from these
four. I'm focusing on Goju-Ryu in this article: Goju-Ryu was founded by Chojun
Miyagi; whose colleague, Gichin Funakosi, founded Shotokan-Ryu.


Occasionally one sees Karate-Do, which means “the way of the empty hand”.
This usage is a reminder that Karate is not just about fighting, but is also
a spiritual discipline.

The basic form of Goju-Ryu karate is Sanchin, “3 battles”: The battles of the
mind, the body, and the spirit.  However, this was considered a bit difficult
for beginners, and so new forms were needed as a way of introducing fundamental
karate forms to a wider audience.  There are the “peaceful and safe” forms known
as Pinan/Heian, the “first course” or Taikyoku forms, the “popularising forms”
known as Fukyugata ---the second of which was rebranded as “attack & smash”,
Gekaisai--- and, finally, there is the so-called Dachi-waza form. This last one
is relatively new, and aims to be a smooth introduction to the world of

In this article, I'd like to discuss the basic forms and their relationships.

* Kata: Learning by Patterns

Kata means “forms”, which are patterns used to learn sequences of techniques.
Besides teaching kicking, strikes, etc; the repetition of patterns/Kata improves
physical conditioning and muscle memory.
- Interestingly, the phrase “katais used in Software Engineering for the same
  goals: To refer to “families of similar (coding) problems” which may be solved
  using an existing set of “design patterns”.

In general, repeating a fixed pattern over and over ---i.e., “doing kata”---
reinforces the knowledge of fundamental techniques and stances via repetition.
However, there are numerous other benefits:

+ Solo Practice :: Training without a partner is important, since you can then
  train whenever and wherever you want. E.g., at your lunch break at work.

+ Mucle Memory :: Repeatedly practicing kicks, strikes, blocks, etc,
  means it will become easier to perform them, and doing them in fixed sequences
  means your body will internalise different combinations. E.g., middle-block,
  followed by forward-punch, and concluding with a snap-kick.

+ Improved Fitness :: Doing a kata, while focusing on your breathing & stances,
  is itself a quick workout. Adding weights, or doing the kata on your toes
  only, or doing them slowly, or with extra power, not only provide a challenge
  but also make the kata into a sort-of moving meditation:
  Gichin Funakoshi says,
  In traditional karate-do, we always keep in mind that the true opponent is oneself.
  - Of-course “real opponents move fast”, so one can also try practising the
    kata at increased speeds, but ensuring the techniques are performed
  - “Imaginary opponents don't hit back”, so the addition of weights, or the use
    of extra power, can be used to compensate.

  When you train, do so as if on the battlefield. Your eyes should glare,
  shoulders drop, and body harden. You should always train with intensity and
  spirit and in this way you will naturally be ready. ---Anko Itosu

+ Safety :: Dangerous techniques can be practised without anyone getting hurt.
  E.g., leg breaks, or the use of weapons, can be practised against an imaginary
  opponent before actually practising with a real person.

  Do not think that you have to win, think rather that you do not have to lose. ---Gichin Funakoshi

+ Application / Bunkai :: When fixed patterns are already learned, one can adapt
  them to various real-life situations involving another person. I personally
  liked it when the teacher would explain immediate applications of a pattern
  while I was learning the pattern: It made it easy for me to imagine an
  opponent attacking me as I practised the kata. Unfortunately, some teachers
  insist on learning the patterns first, then learning the applications.
  - I think having some immediate application removes boredom, for beginners
    especially; otherwise, the kata may feel too rigid and vague.

+ Accessibility :: Anyone can join in! E.g., I've done kata with my kids: It's a
  fun little dance we do together; the goal is to have fun as a family.

  The ultimate aim of Karate lies not in victory or defeat, but in the
  perfection of the character of its participants. ---Gichin Funakoshi

The /benefits/ of kata depends on your end-goal: Are you looking for a workout?
Practising fundamental kicks & stances? Fighting imaginary opponents? Or is it
just a way to relax from a hectic day. It's important to keep in mind that
Karate is not just about fighting!

#+begin_box "The different uses of Karate"
| Approach     | Goal                                                                    |
| Self-defence | Practising with other people; practising real-life dangerous situations |
| Art-form     | Like painting, the goal is to relax, get creative, and get disciplined  |
| Sport        | Like soccer, the goal is to master the patterns and win competitions    |

I like Karate because it's a nice way to stay physically healthy and meet new people.

See also:
+ Karate Kata: Why do we study kata? - YouTube

* COMMENT More Reasons for Kata

** Is Kata Useful or Useless?

Some martial arts value and use kata & forms extensively (i.e. Shotokan Karate & Taekwondo). Other martial arts find very little value in kata (i.e. Boxing and BJJ).

Many martial artists think kata is useful because it teaches things such as memorization, balance, basic techniques, visualization, etc. Moreover, they think it is especially useful for younger color belts and/or when used as bunkai (practicing kata attacks and defenses with a partner). Others are in the middle. They think sparring with a partner is much more useful. However, they see solo kata as useful if you have to train alone (i.e. outside the dojo). Similar to using a kicking dummy, solo kata is seen as a way of practicing techniques without a live partner. In contrast, there are many martial artists who feel that kata is a waste of time. They believe it is impractical because it does not teach students how to deal with a live and unpredictable opponent. For more information, you should visit the wiki section on the pros & cons of kata.

** responses

i used to enjoy kata as a

i “rediscovered” kata
after retiring from pro fighting and saw the value of having a foundation for
your fighting system.

some solid paterns to practice specific technique as well
as the all round health benefits of doing kata.

it is also good to look into the
practical application(s) of the movements and techniques.

it also gives the
practisioner a syllabus to work to when not at the dojo…or on holiday etc.


Another way to look at kata is to consider the following supposed you were in
the far East in the 1800’s and you came upon a martial art master who was
willing to teach you techniques from his style. You spent some time with him and
learned many techniques. How would you remember what he has taught you you
ask. He says to you within the katas I have taught you there are all the
techniques you have learned from me.

There are techniques within katas that are very useful. If we look at basic blocks such as a high defend open hand. We know that it is useful. Basic front kicks, side kicks and round house are useful as well. These type of moves are incorporated into our katas, or at least some them.

Every move you have learned has within it both defensive and offensive
So keeping this in mind take a kata that you have learned and see how many self defense applications you can find. You will be amazed,

** healthy workout, interpretation of moves: Don't practice something if you cant use it!

I help out with training children in my local dojo, and the way I teach new starts kata is using bunkai. Kata can be boring, but add some imaginary ninjas to it and the kids start wanting to learn (then you have that one kid who wants to fight frogs). In my opinion as we inevitably get older, the constant repetitive motions of kata can become a way of warding off senile dementia/alzheimers. Plus if you go perform every kata you know (for me it’s a miniscule 12) sequentially, given it ‘speed and power’, my instructor likes to make us do this, it can help with weight loss (or gain if you decide to stuff your face after a hard lesson).

** ingenious

kata are an ingenious way of learning techniques. The very essence of a fighting
method has been over centuries (in some cases) distilled into a set pattern of
techniques that if learned correctly will become ingrained in both mind and
muscle memory. I think the key to understanding kata lies in actually focusing
and correct visualization. If you are just going through the motions because
your Sensei has told you to while thinking to yourself ‘I can’t wait to get
through this and spar’ then you are missing the point and also missing an
essential element of the art you are supposed to be learning.

** useful for what?

When asking if kata is useful, you must ask useful for what. Kata it is useful for exercise, developing balance, and practicing certain techniques. This is my experience from doing Taekwondo forms for three plus years. Kata is useless for fighting. In Taekwondo sparring I never used anything from forms. My kicks, defenses, counters, and footwork came from constant drilling done in fighting stance, not a kata stance. As a kickboxer as well I think something like shadow boxing is much better, because you can practice all the things I did in forms, but in a realistic fighting stance. Though today many people take martial arts for various reasons, and have no intention on ever fighting in competition.

** shadow boxing

Shadow boxing is exactly like a kata. It keeps you sharp and alert at all times. Please !!! Do not underestimate the use of a kata or any imaginary fighting practices , they all work. I’m still an active boxer and shadow boxing is the most important tool for me today.

Karate Kata: Why do we study kata? - YouTube
** Kata functions

- Kata teach the martial artist to focus her or his techniques on specific striking and blocking points with special emphasis on follow-up techniques.
- Kata practise strengthens muscles and sinews while increasing fitness and improving flexibility.
- Spatial awareness is improved by visualizing imaginary attacks from a number of directions enabling the practitioner to handle more than one attacker at a time.
- Footwork and agility are prompted by warding off "attacks" and delivering counterattacks from all angles.
- Balance is improved by maintaining one's centre-of-gravity while changing into different stances.
- Correct breathing is learned and controlled by the constant stopping and starting, fast and slow movements of the kata performed.
- Kata act as an encyclopedia of kumite scenarios (attacks and defences) which can then be practised with a partner. These kata applications are known as bunkai and can include tenchin (body evasion movements), punching, striking, kicking and qin-na (grappling, seizing and throwing).
- Kata has been called "meditation in motion" and in the endless striving for perfection epitomizes the concept of a martial art. When a kata is performed well all the above points should be apparent in the execution of the form. Conversely, a kata can often look pretty but lack all understanding. Kata is therefore the cornerstone to becoming a good martial artist.

* COMMENT What Is the Meaning of Kata in Karate?
Kata, which means “form” in Japanese is the term used to describe specific sequences of motion that are used to practice karate technique and execution. The interpretation and the process of analyzing, processing, and visualizing these techniques and their real-life use is called Bunkai.

There is a saying which goes around dojos, which says: “In karate, Kata is grammar, Kihon is the vocabulary and Kumite is a conversation.” Within this analogy, Kata means a sort of set of rules which is both very strict yet also can be analyzed, once a practitioner reaches a certain level.

What Katas mean in karate and what they represent is both the past and the
tradition of the art as well as the future and the means for innovation. Kihon
means the basic, fundamental building blocks like hits, punches, kicks, and
blocks, while Kumite is the use of all of these, in active engagement with an
opponent. Katas are what hold it together into art and create a platform for it
to grow.

Another reason that makes Katas very important is purely the technical
part. Bruce Lee once said, “I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks
once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.”

Practicing the basic kicks, punches, or blocks hundreds and thousands of times through Kata training will help your body use the given technique in an automated fashion.

The last aspect where the importance of Katas is great in karate which we want to talk about is the mental aspect. It is somewhat like meditation; it requires a completely mindful brain, one that is completely focused on every second of the Kata with unwavering attention. There is a sort of meditation philosophy centered around being completely aware of the present moment and focusing your attention on the activity being performed at the moment. It is a form of mindfulness.

** Warm-up!

Now somewhat more precisely, how do you actually execute a Kata training. The training session in which you practice and learn Katas always must start with a warm-up, preferably with karate stretching and flexibility methods and exercises. Katas, though they do not seem as intense as Kumite, are very physically demanding to perform, even the basic and beginner ones require a level of flexibility, stability, and strength. Starting a Kata without warming up beforehand can be dangerous, since you can easily injure muscles, tendons, or bones in your body, even break or tear them.

** How many Katas?

Shotokan karate, the most widespread form of karate and the one founded by Gichin Funakoshi, probably the most popular legendary master of the art, traditionally contains 26 Katas. This is nowhere near the art with the most Katas, which is Shito-Ryu, with an astounding 94 karate Katas. The reason it has so many Katas is that the founder of this style, Kenwa Mabuni studied under various types of masters, some of whom were traditional Okinawan fighters, while some were more Kung-fu-oriented masters. He wanted to combine all of it into one art, which means that there are a bunch of Katas, all combined into one art.

Goju-Ryu, one of the most effective martial arts types has 12 Katas traditionally, though some schools prefer to split one of the Katas, the Sanchin Kata into two parts. Regardless, the standard and core Katas make up a collection of 12.

Even though there are multiple different names for these in different countries, dojos, and styles, the basic form is mostly the same.
* Succession of Miyagi :The:Five:Taikyokus:

Following the death of Chojun Miyagi Sensei in 1953, four main schools teaching Goju Ryu emerged.

| School                                                       | Founder           |
| Meibukan, The House of the pure-minded warrior               | Meitoku Yagi      |
| Jundokan, House in which we follow in the master’s footsteps | Eiichi   Miyazato |
| Shoreikan, House of politeness and respect                   | Seikichi Toguchi  |
| Goju Kai, The Japanese Goju Association                      | Gogen Yamaguchi   |

The graphic of this article, the closed fist, is the symbol of Goju Kai which
was popularised in Ontario, Canada, by Don Warrener.  Initially, Miyagi tasked
Gogen “The Cat” Yamaguchi with spreading Goju Ryu in mainland Japan, outside of
Okinawa: Yamaguchi designed the closed fist symbol, based on the right hand of
Miyagi; he unified all karate schools in Japan; he propagated Goju all over the
world. Moreover, in this Goju Kai style, Yamaguchi added to the Goju system the
“Taikyoku Katas”, First-course formations, which consists of 5 formations all
making an “I”-shape in movement: The student starts at the bottom-middle of the
“I”, moves left, then right, then up, and eventually back down to the starting
position. Each formation reinforces basic principles, such as a certain block
and stance. These are intended as training methods for the beginner students to
prepare them for the more advanced kata.

1. badge:Taikyoku_Gedan|First-course_Low_Block|green|https://youtu.be/5dCu6C6pTF0|youtube
2. badge:Taikyoku_Chudan|First-course_Middle_Block|green|https://youtu.be/C08R9PEQRqY|youtube
3. badge:Taikyoku_Jodan|First-course_High_Block|green|https://youtu.be/g_ggx2Ywwrc|youtube
4. badge:Taikyoku_Kake_Uke|First-course_Hooking_Block|blue|https://youtu.be/FSeGrXQs3sI|youtube
5. badge:Taikyoku_Mawashi_Uke|First-course_Roundhose_Block|blue|https://youtu.be/gDaWBIfs-G8|youtube

# TODO: ??? Both were developed as beginner kata because the more traditional kata were
# seen to be too difficult for beginners.  ???

Other schools skip these “school-children” fundamentals and start-off with
Gekisai Ich, Attack and Destroy, which is known as Goju Karate's first Kata.
However, the Jundokan school works up to this Kata a different way...

* From Standing to Destroying :TeshiWaza:FukyuKata:Gekisai:

Jundokan starts with these

| TeshiWaza, Stances, or Formation-11                  |
| Fukyu Kata 1, to Spread or to Make Popular formation |
| Fukyu Kata 2, to Spread or to Make Popular formation |

The Fukyu Kata were made to popularise Karate and make it accessible.
Miyagi renamed Fukyu Kata to Gekisai Dai Ichi, “Attach and Destroy 1”
---of-course the second kata of Goju Karate is known as “Attack and Destroy 2”
or Gekisai Dai Ni.
+ Gekito attack
+ Saito smash, break, crush
+ Gekisaito pulverise, to attack and destroy

The aggressive renaming of the ‘popularising’ kata, in the 1940s, may have been due
to Japan's war-time efforts.

#+BEGIN_SRC dot :file ../images/tachi-fukyu-gekai-sai.png :exports results
digraph {
 A [label = "Tachi Waza Kata \n {No hands!} \n ⟅Teruo Chinen⟆", color = red]
 B [label = "Fukyu Kata Ichi \n {No kicks!} \n ⟅Hanshi Shoshin Nagamine⟆", color = blue]
 C [label = "Gekai Sai Ichi \n {Closed fists & full power!} \n ⟅Chojun Miyagi⟆", color = green]

 A -> B [label=" Add hand movements:\n Each step now becomes a \n block-and-punch scenario "];
 B -> C [label=" Add kick movements "];


* Jundokan: Standing in Style                               :Tachi_Waza_Kata:
:CUSTOM_ID: Tachi-Waza-Kata

Eiichi Miyazato was a Judo champion and a student of Miyagi; he wanted to pass
on Miyagi's legacy and so opened his own training-hall: The Jundokan ---which
literally means House of Father's Way or House for Following in the Father's
Footsteps. Among his famous students is Teruo Chinen, who introduced
“Tachi-Waza Kata” into the Jundokan Goju Kata syllabus.

Note: Tachi and Dachi are the same word, in Japanese, meaning stance. The sound
changes depending on if the letter is the start of a word.

#+html: <center><iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/5EjMpsPv99k" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe></center>

Above is “Formation 11”, a slight variation of “Dachi-Waza Kata” which is
performed as follows.

# (use-package ob-latex-as-png  :ensure t)
# ;; Always redisplay images after C-c C-c (org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c)
# (add-hook 'org-babel-after-execute-hook 'org-redisplay-inline-images)
#+property: header-args:latex-as-png :results raw value replace :resolution "200"
#+begin_src latex-as-png :results (progn (shell-command "cp ob-latex-as-png.png ~/blog/images/tachi-waza.png") "none") :exports none
\,\newline {\large Tachi-Waza Kata} \\ {\sc Jundokan Goju Ryu Karate}
    \node[shape=circle,draw=black, fill=red!40!yellow, align=center] (1) at (0,0) {Musubu\\\emph{Start!}};
    \node[shape=circle,draw=black] (2) at (-2,0) {SaigiAshi};
    \node[shape=circle,draw=black] (3) at (+2,0) {SaigiAshi};
    \node[shape=circle,draw=black] (4) at (-4,0) {Zenkutsu};
    \node[shape=circle,draw=black] (5) at (-6,0) {Sanchin};
    \node[shape=circle,draw=black] (6) at (+4,0) {Sanchin} ;
    \node[shape=circle,draw=black] (7) at (0,+2) {Zenkutsu} ;
    \node[shape=circle,draw=black] (8) at (0,+4) {Hashishi} ;
    \node[shape=circle,draw=black] (9) at (+4,-4) {Zenkutsu} ;
    \node[shape=circle,draw=black] (10) at (+2.5,-2) {Neko} ;
    \node[shape=circle,draw=black] (11) at (+2.3,-3.5) {Bensoku} ;
    \node[shape=circle,draw=black] (12) at (+0.5,-4) {Zenkutsu} ;
    \node[shape=circle,draw=black] (13) at (+1,-2) {Neko} ;
    \node[shape=circle,draw=black] (14) at (+0,-5.7) {Bensoku} ;
    \node[shape=circle,draw=black] (15) at (+0,-7.5) {Shiko} ;
    \node[shape=circle,draw=black] (16) at (-0.4,-2) {Shiko} ;

    \path [->, black!60!green, very thick] (1) edge [bend left] node [left] {} (2);
    \path [->, black!60!green, very thick] (2) edge [bend left] node [right] {} (3);
    \path [->, black!60!green, very thick] (3) edge [bend left] node [left] {} (4);
    \path [black!60!green, very thick] (4) edge [loop above] node {kokutsu} (4);
    \path [->, black!60!green, very thick] (4) edge [bend left] node [left] {} (5);
    \path [black!60!green, very thick] (5) edge [loop below] node {hekosu} (5);

    \path[->, blue, ultra thick, dashed] (5) edge [bend left] node [left] {} (4);
    \path[blue, very thick] (4) edge [loop below] node {kokutsu} (4);
    \path[->, blue, very thick] (4) edge [bend left] node [right] {} (6);
    \path[very thick] (6) edge [loop above] node {hekosu} (6);

    \path[->, brown, ultra thick, dashed] (6) edge [bend right] node [left] {} (7);
    \path[->, very thick, brown] (7) edge node [left] {} (8);
    \path[->, very thick, red, dashed, ultra thick] (8) edge [bend right = 20] node [left] {} (9);
    \path[->, very thick, red] (9) edge [bend right] node [left] {} (10);
    \path[->, very thick, red] (10) edge [bend right] node [left] {} (11);

    \path[->, orange, ultra thick, dashed] (11) edge [bend right] node [left] {} (12);
    \path[->, orange, very thick] (12) edge [bend left] node [left] {} (13);
    \path[->, orange, very thick] (13) edge [bend right=50] node [left] {} (14);

    \path[->, brown, ultra thick, dashed] (14) edge [bend left] node [left] {} (15);
    \path[->, brown, very thick, dashed] (15) edge [bend left] node [left] {} (16);
    \path[->, brown, very thick] (16) edge node {} (1);


image:../images/tachi-waza.png|600|600|center|Musa Al-hassy

Starting with heels touching, toes pointing out, and hands to the side.

1. image:https://www.karatephilosophy.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Goju-ryu-stance-musubi-dachi-Copy.jpg|50|50
   Musubi-dachi, Joining/United stance; Formal Attention stance
   - Heels together, toes open at about 45 degrees;
   - Hands move up to waist: Hands remain on the sides of the waist through-out!
   - In this stance, the body should be straight, knees are slightly bent, heels are touching and feet are pointing out making a 45° angle.

2. image:https://www.karatephilosophy.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Goju-ryu-stance-heiko-dachi-Copy.jpg|50|50
   Heiko-dachi, Parallel stance; Attention Stance
   - The feet open to shoulder width apart, and their outer edges are parallel.
   - In this stance, the feet are shoulder-width apart, the big toes and the
     second toes should face forward, the inner edges of the feet are parallel,
     and the center of gravity is at the mid-point between the two feet.

3. image:https://www.karatephilosophy.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Goju-ryu-stance-sagiashi-dachi-Copy.jpg|50|50
   Sagi-ashi-dachi, Heron-foot stance
   - left leg steps to the left, right leg follows then upward with the knee
   - In this stance, one leg is raised and bent while the other leg is slightly
     bent and supports the whole body weight The toe of the raised leg points
     # - This is the stance on one leg, where the other leg is raised and bent so that its foot touches the knee of the base leg.
   - This is also known as Tsuru-ashi-dachi, Crane-foot stance.

4. Sagi-ashi-dachi - to the right

5. image:https://www.karatephilosophy.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Goju-ryu-stance-zenkutsu-dachi.jpg|50|50
   Zenkutsu-dachi, forward stance - to the left

   - This is a long frontal stance where the weight is mostly on the front leg.
   - It has exactly the same height as shiko-dachi (below), but the rear leg is
     completely straight at the knee and extended back.
   - The front foot is placed frontal (toes facing forward), the rear foot is
     turned out 30 degrees, but never 90 degrees as seems natural to new practitioners
     because this precludes any forward motion.
   - The heel of the rear foot rests on the ground.

   Zenkutsu is performed as follows:
   1. From the natural stance, step forward so that the distance between the back foot and the front foot is roughly about one and a half to two shoulder width
   2. The feet are one shoulder width apart
   3. The front foot points forward and the back foot points diagonally at about 30 degree angle
   4. The front knee is bent, turned slightly inward, and should be forward enough that you are not able to see the toes
   5. The back leg is naturally straight but not locked
   6. Most of the body weight is placed on the front leg
   7. The heel of the back leg should be placed firmly on the ground.

6. image:https://www.karatephilosophy.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Goju-ryu-stance-kokutsu-dachi-Copy.jpg|50|50
   Kokutsu-dachi, Back Long stance - to the right, but head still facing to the left

   - This is a back stance derived from the zenkutsu dachi stance.
   - Start with zenkutsu dachi, move your back leg across so that the front leg
     and the back leg are on the same line.
     # You will also look backward in this stance.

   Kōkutsu-dachi (後屈立, back long stance) This is a mirror image of
    zenkutsu-dachi, where the rear leg is bent strongly at the knee and the
    front leg is either straight or slightly bent, depending on the style. The
    rear foot is turned 90 degrees to the side. The body is turned 90 degrees or
    more away, except for the head which looks to the front. Kokutsu-dachi is a
    great defensive stance because of the amount of energy stored in the rear
    leg, ready for a counter-attack.

7. Zenkustu Dachi - back to the left

8. image:https://www.karatephilosophy.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Goju-ryu-stance-sanchin-dachi-Copy.jpg|50|50
   Sanchin-dachi, Three Battle stance - take a step into sanchin, facing leftwards

   This is the most difficult stance to master and probably the most important
   stance in Goju Ryu.  It is performed as follows:
   1. Begin with heiko dachi, step one foot forward
   2. The heel of the front foot should be on the same line as the toes of the back foot
   3. The toes of both feet should turn inward slightly
   4. The front foot is turned inward at about 20° angle
   5. Tense your tandien, buttocks and thigh muscles and then pull the hips upwards
   6. The knees should bend and turn inward
   7. The feet should be placed firmly on the ground with the toes gripping the ground
   8. The center of gravity should be at the midpoint between the two feet
   9. Keep your back straight and your chin tucked in.

   Sanchin kata, considered the core and most difficult kata in Goju Ryu is done entirely in the sanchin dachi stance.

9. Zenkusti Dachi - Look right, then with right leg move into Zenkutsu, then
   end-up facing rightwards with right leg at the front. Through-out the left
   remains in-place, just pivoting.

10. Kokustu Dachi - to the left, but head still facing to the right

11. Zenkustu dachi - back to the right

12. Sanchin Dachi - take a step into sanchin, facing rightwards

13. image:https://www.karatephilosophy.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Goju-ryu-stance-heisoku-dachi-Copy.jpg|50|50
    Hesoku-dachi, feet together stance; informal attention stance - right moves up to touch the left, then head faces to the
    front center

    In this stance, your back is straight and relaxed, your feet are placed
    together, and the weight is equally distributed between the two feet.

14. Zenkustu dachi - to the front center, with left leg leading

15. image:https://www.karatephilosophy.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Goju-ryu-stance-hachiji-dachi-Copy.jpg|50|50
    Hachiji-dachi, Natural stance - right leg takes a step forward, left follows, to end-up in a
    should-width stance

     # Hachiji dachi (八字立)
     # Hachiji dachi means “character eight stance”) because the feet in this stance resemble the character eight (八) in Japanese.

    - This stance is close to the natural way people stand.
    - The feet are shoulder width apart, the toes point out at about 45°, the
      body is relaxed and the knees are slightly bent.

16. Zenkustu Dachi - look over the left-shoulder, turn with left leg; end-up in
   left leading zenkustu facing the back right corner

17. image:https://www.karatephilosophy.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Goju-ryu-stance-neko-ashi-dachi-Copy.jpg|50|50
    Neko Ashi Dachi, Cat stance - Bring the left back, with toes on ground, heel up.

    To assume neko ashi dachi:
    1. Start with musubi dachi (formal attention stance) and step forward for a distance of about one foot
    2. Lower the hips deeply and transfer most of the body weight to the back leg
    3. The front leg is bent and the heel of the front leg is raised slightly with only the toes and the ball of the front foot touches the ground
    4. The back foot points outward at about 30 to 45 degree angle
    5. About 90% of the body weight is placed on the back foot.

    - All weight rests on the back leg, which is bent at the knee.
    - The rear foot is turned at about 20-30 degrees out and the knee sits at
      the same angle.
    - Only the toes of the front foot rest on the ground, positioned in front of
      the back heel.
    - There is no weight on the front foot, and there is no bent in the ankle
      joint - front knee, front shin, and the rise of the foot (but not the
      toes) form a single line.

18. image:https://www.karatephilosophy.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Goju-ryu-stance-bensoku-dachi-Copy.jpg|50|50
    Bensoku-dachi, Cross-legged stance - Drop the left down, toes pointing to the right. Right steps
    towards the back right corner of the room. Finally, left leg slides behind
    the right leg, ending with the heel up and the toes planted and facing the
    right leg.

    To assume bensoku dachi:
    1. Cross one leg behind the other
    2. Bend both knees
    3. The front foot is placed firmly on the ground but only the ball of the back foot touches the ground
    4. The knee of the back foot is nested against the back of the front knee.

    Bensoku dachi is a transitional stance that is used when one needs to change
    direction. It appears in kata like Seiyunchin and Sepai.

19. Zenkustu with the right leg towards the back left of the room; the left leg
    only pivots.

20. Neko Ashi Dachi - Bring the right leg back into a cat stance

21. Drop the right down and do a Bensoku Dachi

22. image:https://www.karatephilosophy.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Goju-ryu-stance-shiko-dachi-Copy.jpg|50|50
    Shiko-dachi, Square Stance, Horse Stance, Straddle Leg Stance

    The left leg moves towards the back of the room, ending in a shiko dachi;
    right leg remains where it is.

    The toes face out at about 45 degrees. Knees point outward, and stance is often low.

    To assume shiko dachi, start with hachiji dachi stance, turn the heels to
    point the toes outward at about 45 degrees and lower the hips.

    In this stance:
    + The feet are about two shoulder width apart
    + The big toes point outward diagonally at about 45 degrees
    + The knees are turned outward
    + The back is straight
    + The hips are lower than in kiba dachi and the thighs are almost parallel to the ground
    + The body weight is evenly distributed between the two legs
    + The soles of the feet are firmly in contact with the ground.

    Shiko dachi is a great stance for developing lower body strength and stability.

23. Look rightwards towards the center of the room, then do a shiko dachi
    ---ending with body facing the right side of the room; i.e., right leg is in
    the back.

24. Bring the back leg, the right leg, up to the front leg into a Musubu Dachi.

* Fukyu Kata Ichi

# TODO: Read me!
# https://zanshinacademy.in/Main/Blogs/7

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+ Done slowly
+ Learn Fukyu Kata for Goju Ryu
+ Walkthrough
+ Kids Class - Fukyu Kata Dai Ichi walkthrough - Joey Jackson

Fukyugata Ichi looks like a tilted hour-glass, ⌛!
#+property: header-args:latex-as-png :results raw value replace :resolution "2000"
#+begin_src latex-as-png :results (progn (shell-command "cp ob-latex-as-png.png ~/blog/images/fukyu-kata.png") "none")
\,\newline {\large Fukyugata} \\ {\sc Goju Ryu Karate $\sim$ Jundokan}
% Note: \emph{Same leg, same hand}: If the left(/right) hand is out, then the left(/right) leg is in front.
\begin{tikzpicture}[x = 1.3cm, y = 1.4cm]
    \node[shape=circle,draw=black, fill=red!40!yellow, align=center] (0) at (0,0) {\emph{Start!}\\\emph{End!}};
    \node[shape=circle,draw=black, align=center] (1) at (-2,0) {Zenkutsu\\Gedan}; % No space around “\\”!
    \node[shape=circle,draw=black, align=center] (2) at (-4,0) {Zenkutsu\\Oi Zuki};
    \path[->, black!60!green, very thick] (0) edge [bend left] node [left] {} (1);
    \path[->, black!60!green, very thick] (1) edge [bend left] node [left] {} (2);

    \path[->, blue, ultra thick, dashed] (2) edge [bend left] node [left] {} (1);
    \node[shape=circle,draw=black, align=center] (3) at (+2,0) {Zenkutsu\\Oi Zuki};
    \path[->, blue, very thick] (1) edge [bend left] node [right] {} (3);

    \node[shape=circle,draw=black, align=center] (4) at (-0.3,+3) {Zenkutsu\\Gedan};
    \path[->, brown, ultra thick, dashed] (3) edge [right] node [left] {} (4);
    \node[shape=circle,draw=black, align=center] (5) at (0,+5) {Sanchin\\Oi Zuki};
    \node[shape=circle,draw=black, align=center] (6) at (0,+7) {Sanchin\\Oi Zuki};
    \node[shape=circle,draw=black, align=center] (7) at (0,+9) {Sanchin\\Oi Zuki};
    \path[->, very thick, brown] (4) edge node [left] {} (5);
    \path[->, very thick, brown] (5) edge node [left] {} (6);
    \path[->, very thick, brown] (6) edge node [left] {} (7);

    \node[shape=circle,draw=black, align=center] (8) at (+2,+7) {Zenkutsu\\Gedan};
    \path[->, red, dashed, ultra thick] (7) edge [left] node [left] {} (8);
    \node[shape=circle,draw=black, align=center] (9) at (+3.5,+5) {Zenkutsu\\Jodan};
    \path[->, very thick, red] (8) edge [left] node [left] {} (9);

    \node[shape=circle,draw=black, align=center] (10) at (+1.8,+5) {Zenkutsu\\Gedan};
    \path[->, orange, ultra thick, dashed] (9) edge [bend right = 100] node [left] {} (10);
    \node[shape=circle,draw=black, align=center] (11) at (+1, +3.6) {\footnotesize Zenkutsu\\\footnotesize Jodan};
    \path[->, orange, very thick] (10) edge [right] node [left] {} (11);

    \node[shape=circle,draw=black, align=center, inner sep=0pt,minimum size=1pt] (12) at (+0,+1.5) {\small Zenkutsu\\\small Yagi Zuki};
    \path[->, brown, ultra thick, dashed] (11) edge [bend left]  node [left] {\tiny pivot } (12);
    \node[shape=circle,draw=black, align=center] (13) at (0,-2) {Sanchin\\Yagi Zuki};
    \node[shape=circle,draw=black, align=center] (14) at (0,-4) {Sanchin\\Yagi Zuki};
    \node[shape=circle,draw=black, align=center] (15) at (0,-6) {Sanchin\\Yagi Zuki};
    \path[->, very thick, brown] (12) edge [bend left = 50] node [left] {} (13);
    \path[->, very thick, brown] (13) edge [left] node [left] {} (14);
    \path[->, very thick, brown] (14) edge [left] node [left] {} (15);

    \node[shape=circle,draw=black, align=center] (16) at (-2,-4) {Zenkutsu\\Gedan};
    \path[->, ultra thick, red, dashed] (15) edge [left] node [left] {} (16);
    \node[shape=circle,draw=black, align=center] (17) at (-4,-2) {Zenkutsu\\\small Oi Zuki\\\small Jodan};
    \path[->, very thick, red] (16) edge [left] node [left] {} (17);

    \node[shape=circle,draw=black, align=center] (18) at (-2,-2) {Zenkutsu\\Gedan};
    \path[->, ultra thick, orange, dashed] (17) edge [bend right=85] node [left] {} (18);
    \node[shape=circle,draw=black, align=center] (19) at (+2,+2) {Zenkutsu\\\small Oi Zuki\\\small Jodan};
    \path[->, very thick, orange] (18) edge [bend right=12] node [left] {} (19);

    \path[->, very thick, black!60!green] (19) edge [bend right=7] node [left] {} (0);

\centerline{\color{grey}\emph{Art by Musa Al-hassy}}


# Foot Movement & Placement / Direction Hands
0. [@0] Kyotsukei, Attention: Palms at sides, arms straight
0. [@0] Rei, Bow: Eyes slightly down, hands still at sides
0. [@0] Kamae, Ready stance: heels together Palms down in front of body, L hand over R hand

1. Turn left into a left forward stance; down-block with left-hand

2. Step forward with right foot into Right forward stance;
   right middle (solar plexus) punch

3. Turn around into a right forward stance, while doing a right down-block

   1. Move right foot behind body and to the left
   2. Extend left arm and chamber with right fist at left elbow
   3. Pivot 180°-rigtwards, on the left-foot, into right forward stance
   4. Right down block

4. Step forward with left foot into left forward stance;
   left middle (solar plexus) punch

5. Turn 90°-leftward, pivoting on the right foot, to face the front;
   enter into a left Zenkustu; down-block with left

6. Step forward with R foot into R forward stance (R foot straight, L foot diagonal)
   - R middle (solar plexus) punch

7. Step forward with L foot into L forward stance (L foot straight, R foot 45 diagonal)
   - L middle (solar plexus) punch

8. Step forward with R foot into R forward stance (R foot straight, L foot 45 diagonal)
   - R middle (solar plexus) punch

9. Move L foot behind body and to the R (move beyond where you extended in step 3 - this time you will end up 225 degrees from start)
   - Keeping R arm extended, chamber with L fist on R elbow

10. Pivot (on R foot) 225 L into L forward stance -
    you are now facing 45 L from back of dojo
    - Down block L

11. Step forward with R foot into R forward stance (R foot straight, L foot 45 diagonal)
    - High block R

12. Pivot 90 R (on L foot) into R forward stance -
    you are now facing 45 R from back of dojo
    1. Down block R

13. Step forward with L foot into L forward stance (L foot straight, R foot 45 diagonal)
    - High block L

14. Pivot 45 L (on R foot) into L forward stance - you are now facing back of dojo
    - R reverse middle punch

15. Step forward with R foot into R forward stance (R foot straight, L foot 45 diagonal)
    - L reverse middle punch

16. Step forward with L foot into L forward stance
    (L foot straight, R foot 45 diagonal)
    - R reverse middle punch

17. Step forward with R foot into R forward stance (R foot straight, L foot 45 diagonal)
    - L reverse middle punch

18. Move L foot behind body and to the R (move beyond where you extended in step 3 - you will end up turning 225 degrees to the left)
    - Extend R arm and chamber with L fist at R elbow

19. Pivot 225 L (both feet) into L forward stance, facing 45 L of dojo front
    - Down block L

20. Step forward with R foot into R forward stance (R foot straight, L foot 45 diagonal)
    - High punch R

21. Pivot 90 R (on L foot) into R forward stance Extend L arm and chamber with R fist at L elbow

22. Facing 45 R of dojo front Down block R

23. Step forward with L foot into L forward stance (L foot straight, R foot 45 diagonal)
    - High punch L

24. L foot pulls back to starting position, heels together
    - Palms down in front of body, L hand over R hand

Note: This is also known as “Kihon Kata Ichi”, Basics Form One.
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgdIVEmnwdc&ab_channel=EastlakeDojo
* COMMENT FukyuKata

Shorin Ryu Karate. Shihan Anthony Ferguson 6TH Dan Black Belt performs kata
Fukyugata Ichi. - YouTube

* Gekisai Dai Ichi ---“Attack & Destroy One”

(Side View)

(Front View)

+ Powerful! By Sandra Sanchez
+ #shorts

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1. Attention stance

2. Left foot steps out into Yoi (ready stance) shoulder width apart

   1. Alternatively: Yoi with feet together at attention left hand over right several inches away from the groin
   2. the left hand pushes down while the right hand pushes up creating
      (explosive) tension

3. From either Yoi right foot steps forward and you turn left 90 degrees into hourglass stance
   1. High block with left hand
   2. If feet are apart in Yoi when the right foot steps forward you pivot on the center (ball and heel) of the foot so that the stance is even
   3. If feet are together in Yoi left foot pivots on the heel and the right on the ball so the stance is even
   4. if hands and feet are together in Yoi the right arm explodes from underneath almost like a fanning block before turning

4. Step forward into hourglass stance with the right foot
   + High punch with the right hand

5. Step back into square/horse stance so that the body is facing the direction of the attention stance
   + Low block with the left

6. Turn the body 90 degrees and left foot slides behind the right into hourglass stance
   + High block with the right hand

7. Step forward into hourglass stance with the left leg
   + High punch with the left hand

8. Step back into square/horse stance so that the body is facing the direction of the attention stance
   + Low block with the right

9. Left leg steps in and then forward into hourglass stance
   + Middle block with the left

10. Step forward into hourglass stance with the right
    + Middle block with the right

11. Left front kick and land in a front stance
    1. Left elbow strike as blocking right hand pulls back into chamber
    2. Left downward back fist face level
    3. Left hand transitions to low block
    4. And right hand punches with a “Kiai”

12. Turn right 90 degrees into a ready stance (with head facing to right)
    1. Right knife hand strike to the side of the temple
    2. Alternatively: during this transition the back leg of the previous front stance lifts up as if avoiding a sweep

13. Turn right 90 degrees to right, step forward with the left into hourglass stance
    + Left hand middle block

14. Right front kick and land in a front stance
    1. Right elbow strike as blocking left hand pulls back into chamber
    2. Right downward back fist face level
    3. Right hand transitions to low block
    4. Left hand punches with a “Kiai”

15. Turn left 90 degrees into a ready stance (with head facing to left)
    1. Left knife hand strike to the side of the temple
    2. Alternatively: during this transition the back leg of the previous front stance lifts up as if avoiding a sweep

16. Turn left 90 degrees and left leg steps back into front stance
    1. As stepping back left hand pulls back as if pulling the arm of an opponent
    2. Left hand in chamber palm down, right in chamber palm up
    3. Double punch with left hand to the lungs and right to the stomach
    4. Alternatively: when stepping back the left hand turns in like an open handed fanning block
    5. Right hand in chamber comes out and performs a middle block
    6. Then both hands pull back to chamber with left palm down and right palm up
    7. Then double punch

17. Step forward into ready stance
    1. Reverse fist orientation
    2. Alternatively: Step forward feet together, both knees bent
    3. Right arm turns in as if for a fanning block
    4. Left arm arcs around in front for a middle block
    5. Then both hands are pulled back into chamber in the revers orientation they were before in the prior step

18. Step back with the right leg into front stance
    + Double punch, right hand to the heart and left to the liver

19. Step forward into attention stance
    1. Alternatively: open left hand
    2. Turn right fist to palm facing up and place it in the open hand
    3. Open the right hand
    4. Step forward to attention as the hands turn staying left over right and
       return to the beginning position

20. Bow

Geki Sai Ni is very similar...

Sanchin was brought back from China by Kanryo Higaonna. It translates as “3 Battles” or “3 Conflicts”, the three generally accepted as being: the body, mind and spirit. It is the fundamental kata of GoJu Ryu. Sanchin develops discipline, determination, focus, perseverance and other mental attributes.

Sanchin is probably the most misunderstood Kata in all of Karate. In contrast, it is probably the single most valuable training exercise in Goju Ryu. Sanchin has such aspects as deep, diaphragmatic breathing found in many internal arts as well as external attributes like mechanical alignment and muscular strength.
* Closing: Possibly Interesting Reads


+ Is Goju-Ryu Karate Any Good? The Answer May Surprise You
+ Shorin Ryu Fukyugata Ichi
+ Goju-ryu Karate - USAdojo.com
+ Don Warrener - Warrener Entertainment
+ Publications — Jundokan International
+ Jundokan So-Honbu — Jundokan New Zeland
+ fukyu kata ichi - Google Search
+ what does JUNDOKAN mean - Google Search
+ List of Goju-Ryu Katas - Black Belt Wiki
+ Jundokan Volume 4 - YouTube [Goju documentary]
+ The History of Goju Ryu Karate | ART OF ONE DOJO - YouTube
+ The Pinan Heian Kata are NOT Children’s Kata! - YouTube
+ 5 Ways To Improve Your Motivation For Training | Innovative Martial Arts Academy
+ How to become 37.78 times better at anything | Atomic Habits summary (by James Clear) - YouTube
+ what is the aim of karate - Google Search
+ Karate Philosophy
+ Standing Techniques (Stances) - Fierce Tiger Martial Arts Association Budokai - Okinawan Goju Ryu
+ Geki Sai Dai Ichi Kata (And Ni!) - Step By Step - YouTube
+ Learn Fukyu Kata for Goju Ryu - YouTube
+ Perfection of Character: Guiding Principles for the Martial Arts & Everyday Life: Amazon.co.uk: Okazaki, Teruyuki: 9780978576325: Books